Universities of Wisconsin Alliance for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Advancement in STEM

The mission of the IDEAS Alliance is to create a more inclusive, diverse, and equitable environment in STEM education within the Universities of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin community. We promote the application of evidence-based practices in STEM education to catalyze systemic change and advance STEM fields and practitioners.

In particular, the program seeks to:

  • Increase faculty expertise in inclusive, student-centered pedagogy
  • Attract, retain, support, and advance diverse STEM students, staff, and faculty
  • Promote STEM education that includes analysis of the social context in which science is practiced
  • Cultivate cultural competencies in STEM environments
  • Promote policies & nurture climates that attract and retain historically underrepresented students and educators in STEM disciplines
  • Foster collaborative communities for Universities of Wisconsin STEM administrators, educators, and students.

In order to carry out this mission our activities include:

  • Offering data-informed, evidence-based faculty development opportunities
  • Disseminating best practices to increase a sense of belonging among those from historically underrepresented populations in STEM
  • Providing role models of women and minority STEM professionals, scholars, and educators
  • Opportunities to build alliances and strengthen mentorship across the UW System

Upcoming Events

2022-2025 ADVANCE Adaptation: University of Wisconsin Oshkosh – Three Campuses, One Institution

Award: EES 2204481

Universities of Wisconsin Alliance for Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Advancement in STEM

UW Oshkosh Campus
Halsey Science Center, Room 121
(920) 424-7414