Physics & Astronomy

The Department of Physics and Astronomy prepares students as research physicists, lead engineers, professors, high school teachers, and for many other positions. For a list of who’s hiring students with a bachelor’s degree in physics in Wisconsin and across the country, click the gray button below.

Quality Teaching, Individual Attention

We are dedicated to quality teaching in the classroom and in the laboratory. We also pride ourselves on the individual attention we give to our students. Upper-level physics courses typically enroll between 10-15 students. Click here for the current Undergraduate Bulletin for the Department of Physics Astronomy (2021-2023).

Student Research Opportunities

Department of Physics/Astronomy faculty are active in many areas of physics research, including:
  • astronomy/astrophysics
  • experimental particle physics (PANDA collaboration)
  • condensed matter physics/nanotechnology
  • physics teaching and learning
  • history and philosophy of physics

Most physics majors conduct one-on-one physics research with a faculty member.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Physics & Astronomy

N. Halsey Science Center
Room 127 or 142
921 Elmwood Ave.


Department Chair

Dr. Nadia Kaltcheva
Room 337B


More contact information


Department Office Hours
7:45 a.m.-4:30 p.m.



