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最新出的网赌网址大全 Go is a non-emergency service designed to provide a safe ride for students and employees on and near the UW Oshkosh campus.  最新出的网赌网址大全 Go is a free service for 最新出的网赌网址大全 community members who are listed below as long as they are within the geographic boundaries of our service.

Mission Statement:
最新出的网赌网址大全 Go为UW奥什科什学生提供车辆运输, 奥什科什校园FVTC居民, 和员工确保安全往返最新出的网赌网址大全奥什科什校区及其附近地区. The service also increases the presence of our department personnel on and near the UW Oshkosh campus which improves observation by 最新出的网赌网址大全 Go drivers and connects resources to problems faster.

Program Operated by:
738 High Ave
Oshkosh, WI 54901

Funded by: 奥什科什学生协会

最新出的网赌网址大全 Go Program Rules

  • Operation Rules
    • Riders MUST comply with any COVID-19 related policies and/or procedures while riding in the vehicle. 
    • 最新出的网赌网址大全 Go drivers can end a ride early if the rider refuses to comply with any of the rules listed here. 
    • 前排乘客座不允许坐乘客.
    • 在交通高峰期,调度员可能会建议乘客选择其他交通方式
    • 如有不适当的要求,最新出的网赌网址大全 Go保留拒绝的权利, 或者这个请求超出了我们的任务范围
    • 最新出的网赌网址大全 Go reserves the right to refuse or end a ride in the case of an intrusive use of profanity or disorderly behavior to include but not limited to harassing or threatening the driver, 调度员或其他社区成员
    • Smoking & 在乘坐期间,任何时候都不允许吸电子烟或饮用酒精饮料
    • Riders can only have one bag with them, per person, no larger than the size of a normal backpack
      • One exception to this is for groceries – riders can have up to three bags of groceries on their ride
      • 滚动的行李箱是不能接受的
      • 不接受大的洗衣袋或洗衣篮
      • If you are returning from home with a lot of items or the items that are not allowed it is suggested that you park at a temporary parking location near your res-hall, 把这些东西放在你的房间里,然后把车停在一个偏僻的停车场,叫一辆最新出的网赌网址大全 Go车.
      • Medical Amnesty 此服务期间适用
    • A 最新出的网赌网址大全 Go ride cannot start and end at a bar (the start location or the end location has to be something other than a bar)
    • 损坏最新出的网赌网址大全 Go车辆的乘客将被罚款250美元.00 fee
      • 在车里呕吐
      • Intentionally breaking something in the van (which could also be a violation of UWS Chapter 18 or Wisconsin Statutes)
      • 血液或其他体液等.
      • UW Oshkosh riders who bring non-affiliated riders onto 最新出的网赌网址大全 Go are financially responsible for the damages that occur to the vehicle which includes anything related to bodily fluid





最新出的网赌网址大全 Go在正常学年运作. 本服务的日期和时间如有更改,恕不另行通知. If a rider logs in and cannot hail a ride through they program they are welcome to chat a dispatcher through 最新出的网赌网址大全 Mobile or give us a call at 920-424-1212. There are times when the service may be suspended during hours when service was originally scheduled to operate.

  • 周一至周四下午4点至凌晨12点
  • Fri-Sun 4pm – 2am
  • 我们在寒暑假期间不营业
  • 西澳奥什科什警察局 also offers Safewalks 7 days a week during the evening/late night hours
  • If the 最新出的网赌网址大全 Go operation is suspended or not operational riders will see a screen that says the service is not operational when they attempt to request a ride.

最新出的网赌网址大全 Go Boundary Map


最新出的网赌网址大全 Go doesn’t currently have an accessible riding option so we work with local companies to facilitate rides for students who need accommodations. Please call the 西澳奥什科什警察局 at 920-424-1212 if you need accommodations for an accessible ride. 


我如何知道我是否有资格使用最新出的网赌网址大全 GO?

任何学生,教职员工都可以使用最新出的网赌网址大全 Go,只要他们可以用他们的netID登录. 如果你是学生或员工的朋友,他们只需要登录并要求乘坐. 群组中只需要有一个人是当前的学生或员工. 


No. The service is meant to help reduce the need for vehicles on campus so requests are reserved for those who need to park further away from campus or have to travel longer distances to get to and from areas on and near the campus. If you’re unsure about whether or not you can request a certain ride then you can “Chat w/最新出的网赌网址大全PD” through 最新出的网赌网址大全 Mobile or you can give us a call at 920-424-1212. 

一辆最新出的网赌网址大全 GO货车能载多少人?

然而,这取决于我们当时使用的交通工具, 一般来说,我们最多能载五名乘客. 




Yes. 然而,在校学生或员工可以有客人, the student or employee is responsible for the actions of the non-affiliated rider and must ensure that the rider knows the rules. 


This service is reserved for UW Oshkosh students and employees who need to get safely from one location to another. 我们没有汽车座椅,所以, 在大多数情况下, 然而答案是否定的, if your request is related to UW Oshkosh functions and if we can accommodate your request we’ll try. 

最新出的网赌网址大全 GO是出租车服务吗?

No, this service is funded by 奥什科什学生协会 and run by the 西澳奥什科什警察局 and their Community Service Officers. 

最新出的网赌网址大全 GO是紧急安全服务吗?

No. 如果您遇到紧急情况或需要救护车,请拨打911. 


This really depends on the night of the week and the volume of requests during the period of time you’re making a request. 我们也在学习这项服务在华盛顿大学奥什科什分校的运作方式,因为这是第一年. 我们会尽最大努力尽快让你们搭上车. If for some reason you request a ride and it seems like it’s taking longer than the App is suggesting you can call our dispatcher to see if there’s an issue or delay (920-424-1212). 


Each guest is allowed to have one bag no larger than the size of a typical backpack with them during the ride. 如果你只有一个包,我们可以载你一程. Please plan ahead. If you’re in an outlying parking lot and you know you’re going to request a ride then drop your belongings off at your hall then go to where you park your car and then request a ride. 


No. 我们根据他们何时进入队列来接受搭车. 

最新出的网赌网址大全 Go如何应对恶劣天气?

威斯康辛州的天气变幻莫测,我们努力应对各种天气. 一般来说,如果大学因天气原因关闭,最新出的网赌网址大全 Go通常会关闭. University closings are announced through Titan Alert so watch for an email or a text telling you whether school is closed or not. In the event that 最新出的网赌网址大全 Go does decide to close we will post information on the UW Oshkosh Police Facebook page. 如果我们决定提早关门,我们也会尽力通知来电者.

As road or weather conditions change, students should be prepared for reduced levels of operation. 这可以包括打烊、提前打烊或限制从学校到家里的要求. This decision is made with input from University administrators and the 西澳奥什科什警察局. 如果由于天气原因,运送学生变得更加危险, 我们不希望危及学生的安全.

谁负责最新出的网赌网址大全 Go项目?

The program is funded by OSA (奥什科什学生协会) but it’s managed by the 西澳奥什科什警察局 and the Community Service Officers.

UW奥什科什医疗安全政策适用于最新出的网赌网址大全 Go计划吗?

Yes. 这个项目的目标是保证学生和员工的安全. 请阅读此链接中的信息以了解更多有关此计划的信息:

宠物可以上最新出的网赌网址大全 Go货车吗?
