
Eleven successful 大学 威斯康星奥什科什 graduates have been chosen to receive top honors for 2023 by the 校友 Association Board of Directors. In the months leading up to Homecoming—during which they’ll be honored at an on-campus ceremony—we will introduce you to these outstanding alumni. 完整的获奖名单可在此处查看.

我在威斯康星州的一个小镇长大, Jeni (Kimmet) 克普 dreamt of one day becoming a news reporter in New York City. While that dream became reality just a year after earning her journalism degree in 2006, 自从她变得如此.

十大赌博老品牌网站的毕业生, 现在定居在罗宾斯代尔, 明尼苏达州, made a career pivot and has become an award-winning community manager for a Twin Cities tech company and founded two nonprofits to help people in her community.

克普 has earned a Distinguished 校友 Award from her alma mater and is one of seven alumni who’ll be recognized with this award for their professional accomplishments by the 最新出的网赌网址大全 校友 Association at Homecoming later this month.

辛西娅·威廉姆森, Jamf产品管理高级副总裁, the Minneapolis-based tech company 克普 has worked for since 2016, put together a collection of words to describe her colleague: visionary, 鼓舞人心的, 专用的, 无私的领导者.


克普, 谁从广告文案开始升职了, is now senior manager in community engagement and advocacy for the company that provides device management and security solutions for organizations that use Apple products. 她组建了一个团队负责Jamf Nation, 世界上最大的在线IT管理员社区, 以及一个屡获殊荣的客户维权项目Jamf Heroes.

Jeni 克普(中)和家人

她去Jamf的路上有风. 离开最新出的网赌网址大全后, 她搬到了纽约,希望能找到一份记者的工作, but was first hired as to manage an internship program and Bronx Community College for the nonprofit New York Public Interest Research Group. She made connections and was hired by the Bronx Times Reporter—her first journalism job since working as a reporter in West Salem, 威斯康辛州.

“Working as a reporter in New York was truly a dream come true,”她说。. “I covered town hall meetings, political races, murders and everything in between. … It was the opportunity of a lifetime and one I’ll cherish forever.”

By the end of 2008, she realized she wanted to return home to the Midwest. 当时正值经济衰退, 她为找工作奋斗了一段时间, eventually landing an administrative assistant role with a medical technology company outside Minneapolis. She worked hard, eventually becoming the organization’s first copywriter. Next came a job as a marketing communications specialist for 明尼苏达州’s largest healthcare system.

然后在2016年,她找到了Jamf. “It was a mid-sized technology company in Minneapolis that needed a copywriter with a background in healthcare,她回忆道. 从第一次作为营销团队的文案开始, she’s worn several titles and been recognized as a community manager of the year, 还有其他一些荣誉.

Beyond her professional successes, 克普 has launched two nonprofits. 项目舞会 began in 2007 when she was in New York as a way to make prom more accessible for local students. She later brought the nonprofit with her to 明尼苏达州 and has expanded to several communities around the state. 项目舞会 has now given away more than 3,000 prom dresses to girls in need.

她还创造了 桥的建筑, a nonprofit venture helping children in Uganda, her husband’s home country. The work led to the creation of a school that serves 250 children and employs 30 adults. The school was years in the making and represents yet another dream come true for her—and her husband.

“To see it come true—to hear children’s laughter throughout the campus—is a testament that with faith and a lot of hard work, 一切皆有可能,”她说。.

In both her career and nonprofit work, 克普 has accomplished goals sometimes set many years prior. 这是她一生中反复出现的主题. 所以这并不奇怪, 作为一名中学生, she traveled from La Crosse to 威斯康辛大学奥什科什 to participate in a science competition and, 大学给她留下了深刻的印象, 八年级的时候她就决定要上世界大学.

“The culmination of academic and non-academic learnings I received at 最新出的网赌网址大全 were, arguably, unmatched. 虽然有点紧张, upon graduation I felt fully prepared to take on the world and accomplish my dreams,”她说。. “I’m so grateful to everyone at 最新出的网赌网址大全 who helped me realize my potential and gain the confidence to use my talent in a variety of meaningful ways throughout my career.”

2023校友颁奖典礼将于10月11日举行. 27号,在卡尔弗家庭欢迎中心,下午5点有招待会.m. 然后是晚餐和节目,6点开始.m. 这个活动的费用是每人40美元. For more information, contact 最新出的网赌网址大全’s 校友 Relations Office at (920) 424-3449 or alumni@cadariopizza.net. 在此登记参加校友颁奖典礼.
