
23岁的安布尔·盖特利在芬威球场外拍照, 她是波士顿红袜队的广播队成员.

大学 威斯康星奥什科什 alumna 琥珀盖特 grew up a Boston Red Sox fan, 她经常和家人一起去芬威公园, 他们都穿着球队的队服.

下周与红袜队的主场, the 2023 威斯康辛大学奥什科什 graduate will begin a professional role at the historic baseball park as a member of the team’s broadcast production crew.

The Red Sox are considered one of the most-storied franchises in American sports, 9次世界职业棒球大赛冠军,14次美国职业棒球大联盟冠军 三角旗.

Amber gate帮助直播最新出的网赌网址大全体操比赛.

Gately credits the experiential learning she received as a 最新出的网赌网址大全 radio TV film major for much of her success. Right after graduation she landed a job with Harvard 体育运动 Broadcasting Team as a production assistant.

红袜队, 她会, 用广播的话说, “一个控制室公用设施,意思是在任何一个比赛日, 她可能在操作摄像机, 控制回放, 视频播放, 处理图形,甚至操作著名的绿色怪物, 37英尺高的左外野墙是手动计分板的所在地. 

 Gately said having produced a 30-minute TV show as an undergraduate taught her to problem solve in her new roles.

威斯康辛大学奥什科什 instructor 贾丝廷斯托克斯 remembers Gately’s commitment to her show, 盖特利创造的一档获奖脱口秀, 制作和主持. 这个谈话节目在泰坦电视台播出. 


This wasn’t a class; students can pitch to Titan TV to produce their own shows outside the curriculum,斯托克斯说, 谁是泰坦电视台的总经理,在RTF部门教书. “这是一个雄心勃勃的机会, high-performing students like Amber to take chances creatively without the restrictions of assignments. I think Amber really found her voice with her show: learning how to take her unique humor and perspective and turn it into a fun experience for everyone involved.” 


This is someone who moved half-way across the country—from Boston to Oshkosh让她接受RTF教育,”斯托克斯说. “When the world shut down her freshman year for Covid she didn’t flinch – she just kept going. She was a part of a small group of Titan TV students who met the challenges of the pandemic and by far succeeded anyone’s expectations. For her to head back home to Boston and immediately find work first with Harvard University and now with the Red Sox is just a testament to Amber’s abilities and drive. I have no doubt before long 她会 adding the Patriots, Celtics and Bruins to her resume.” 

琥珀盖特, 4岁时, 左, with her cousin Justin Conrad; older sister Breanna Gately; dad Robert Gately; and younger sister Kyla Gately at Fenway Park.

我们和盖特利相处了一段时间, 谁现在住在韦茅斯, 麻萨诸塞州, and talked about why she chose to come to 威斯康辛大学奥什科什 sight unseen and why she has to jokingly tell her parents to calm down when they talk about her working for the Boston Red Sox.


这有点陈词滥调,但我想成为一名流行歌星. You know when you’re a kid, you think, I can sing, but I didn’t have the skills or the energy for it. 我想成为《最新出的网赌网址大全》里的瓦妮莎·哈金斯,但现在回头看, 我只是想要有创意, 我已经找到了如何在工作中运用我的创造力. 


我出生在佛罗里达, 然后我们搬到了加利福尼亚, 然后密歇根, 我三年级的时候我们搬到了马萨诸塞州. I loved living in different states and I wanted a fifth state for college and that posed a challenge economically. 我妈妈列了一张单子上面写着No. 1、那所大学必须负担得起. 好吧, when I applied to 最新出的网赌网址大全 I got the Titan National Scholar award that gave me in-state tuition even though I was coming from out of state so that took care of the affordable part. 我申请奥什科什大学是因为RTF项目. 在我们真正亲自参观之前,我就决定来最新出的网赌网址大全. 我只知道RTF程序有多棒. At 那时候我想做电影. I loved that in the RTF program I could do multiple things at once and have a chance to try everything to make sure that that was really what I loved, 结果发现那不是胶卷. 我试过一些电影里的东西, and I realized that I’m very much a fast-paced live-environment kind of person.  


One of the biggest things I remember from (RTF instructor and Titan TV general manager) Justine was when she said I was funny and in that teeny, tiniest of remarks I still remember to this day how it gave me the confidence to host an entire TV show.  


安珀·盖特利,23岁, 与父母合影, 罗伯特·盖特利和特雷西·穆尼兹·盖特利在沃斯大学毕业典礼上.

这是一个脱口秀节目,叫做 绝不平庸 因为我的首字母是AVG,我的中间名是Vanessa, AVG代表棒球中的“平均”, 我想说, “我一点也不平庸.” (显示, 与来自10个州的作品竞争, was awarded an Achievement Award in the Talk Show category – equivalent to second place – at the 2023 Midwest Media Fest.) 

回想一下你大一的时候, what advice would you give that first-year student or students thinking about going into radio TV film?

尝试一切. 我绝对喜欢雨伞. I did a shift at the radio station for a semester because it’s part of the program. I knew it wasn’t for me because I wasn’t able to see things visually, but I had fun. 我想对学生们说,都去尝试一下. Not many people have been in a control room where you get to press the buttons and see what happens when you do certain things. So definitely any time that you can get to experience anything is a great way to just learn. 尝试每一件可能的事情, because you never know what experience is going to be the one that leads you to your future career.


What I learned at 威斯康辛大学奥什科什 has pretty much everything to do with what I do now in my job— from knowing how things work in the control room, 了解每一个位置. 就像所有与科技有关的事情一样, 我学会了如何修理东西和解决问题, be confident in my space and know that I have a voice and the background knowledge of how this works. 

最新出的网赌网址大全校友Amber gate的工作场所是标志性的芬威公园.


哦,是的,我有四岁时的照片,还有红袜队的小帽子和球衣. 我们会从加利福尼亚飞过来看比赛. 所以芬威球场是我的家.  


My parents are trying so hard not to bring up, “My daughter works for the Red Sox!"一直. 他们试图缓和气氛, 但他们会在可能的时候提出来, 在适当的时候,不要霸道, 但是,是的, 他们很骄傲. 

